Specializing in Labradors with proper conformation, sound temperament, & a passion for retrieving.
(254) 444-7640
Elkens Victory Is Mine

Victor is our new yellow (fox red) stud, and to say we are excited about him is an understatement. He is backed by a pedigree that we have admired for years, and you can truly tell that he is a product of phenomenal breeding for generations. While he may be beautiful, one of the best things about him his how big his heart is. He is an absolute LOVE and will spend hours lounging with you if you'll let him. He is a polite boy and is very aware of his surroundings, and he is very in tune with our household. When it is time to play, he's eager to grab a toy. But when everyone is keeping it low key, he is snoring in the floor next to the others.
Owning Victor is a dream come true, and we cannot thank his breeder enough for trusting us with him. We hope to make her proud!